- Video: Overview of EMDR Therapy with Dr. Francine Shapiro
- What is EMDR? Information from the EMDR Institute (12/2014). Pages 1-2 summarize "What is EMDR", pages 3-4 summarize the "History of EMDR", and page 5 summarizes "EMDR Theory". Alternatively, go to http://www.emdr.com/what-is-emdr/
- Is EMDR the Cure? Article about EMDR with trauma and addiction - including reference to the Thurston County Drug Court's integrated trauma treatment program using EMDR.
- TedX Talk Video: Healing Trauma, Healing Humanity: Rolf Carriere
- Introducing EMDR to Physicians and Other Professionals
- Understanding EMDR: From the EMDR Research Foundation.
- New York Times: Ask the Expert about EMDR: Dr. Francine Shapiro