WHICH FORM OF BILATERAL STIMULATION SHOULD I USE? Featured article: The Impact of Eye Movements and Tones on Disturbing Memories: Eye movements were found to be more effective in diminishing the emotionality of the memory than ‘recall only’ or bilateral tones, yet the majority of patients prefer tones. FULL TEXT LINK: http://psycho-trauma.nl/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/The-impact-of-eye-movements-and-tones-on-disturbing-memories-involving-PTSD-De-Jongh-et-al.-2013.pdf
It is gratifying to work with clinicians during an EMDR Institute or HAP Basic Training as they begin to integrate EMDR theory and therapy into clinical practice. The most common post training questions I hear:
Where can I find a TICES log to give my clients to use between sessions?
- Heres a link to download the form as a pdf: TICES LOG
How do I get started?
For those recently trained by the EMDR Instiute and/or Trauma Recovery/EMDR HAP:
Be sure to take the time to do the "Getting Started" exercise in the EMDR Institute's Weekend One manual.) As EMDR Institute or Trauma Recovery/HAP trainees you qualify to join the EMDR Institute Internet Discussion List. You will find information about how to join in your Weekend One "Getting Started" page.
Read the article "Q&A Newly Trained" available in the Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, volume 1, number 1. Click Here to download the full-text article.
The Journal of EMDR Practice and Research is a Quarterly journal of the EMDR International Association. In it you will find published articles related to research and clinical practice of EMDR therapy, starting in 2007. While EMDRIA members can access all of the articles online at no charge, anyone can access ALL but the last 12 months of articles at no charge. To see the table of contents for this quarterly journal, go to: http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/springer/emdr
For those trained by other training organizations:
An EMDR Therapy Primer: From Practicum to Practice by Barbara Hensley, Third Edition (2018) is the text that does the best job of pulling all the pieces together. You will find that it is consistent with what is taught in the EMDR Institute (or EMDR HAP) training. If I were to REQUIRE reading, this would be my number one top pick! Here is a link to a pdf of the first chapter, including the table of contents.
How do I introduce EMDR to my clients?
The following links are for brochures and description of EMDR that you might choose to use. I find that providing more than one description to clients is most helpful. What makes sense to one client might not make sense to another.
- "Resolving Trauma with EMDR" by Graham Taylor
- Informational brochures are available for purchase through the EMDR International Association (EMDRIA). Go to the EMDRIA Store - you need not be a member to purchase these brochures: "What is EMDR"; "Que es el EMDR"; "EMDR and Children"; "EMDR (for Professionals)"
The following webpages provide the best information about EMDR:"Getting Past Your Past"- book (and audio book) by Dr. Francine Shapiro
- EMDRIA's webpages "What is EMDR" including information about EMDR, it's development/research, what EMDR sessions are like, and FAQs for your clients.
- EMDR Institute "What is EMDR" provides similar information - though generally more up to date than EMDRIA.
- For you clients or colleagues that want to see the research evidence, download this annotated bibliography of EMDR and EMDR related research from the EMDR Research Foundation.
How do I pull together all the information from lecture, the manual, the practicum, and the 2018 textbook so that it all makes more sense to me?
Certainly, consultation will be your best resource for this. Contact me if you would like to plan individual or group consultation. For group consultation, please contact me for scheduling.
Use your manual! There is a LOT of information in there = and it is fairly readable. Use it as a reference manual.
Dr. Francine Shapiro's 2018 text "EMDR Therapy: Basic Principles, Protocols, and Procedures", 3rd Edition is a gold mine. If you struggle with reading it from cover to cover, then use it as a reference - look up information about the areas you have questions about.
An EMDR Therapy Primer: From Practicum to Practice by Barbara Hensley, Third Edition (2018) is the text that does the best job of pulling all the pieces together. You will find that it is consistent with what is taught in the EMDR Institute (or EMDR HAP) training. If I were to REQUIRE reading, this would be my number one top pick!
How do I score the Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES)?